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Is it worth having a dog in a city apartment?

Dogs are one of the most loyal and faithful friends of man. They are perfectly able to feel the mood of their master and try to support him in a difficult moment. In addition, they have a huge amount of energy (especially young ones, up to three years old), love to run and play, which makes them excellent companions for people leading an active lifestyle.
Apart from their unique qualities, dogs are our important helpers in various fields. For example, they are used as service animals in the police, rescue services and the army. They help people with disabilities by serving as eyes for the blind and ears for the deaf.
For centuries, dogs have been used as guards, warning their owners of danger and protecting "their" territory from intruders.
They also help in caring for domestic animals, for example, herding flocks of sheep to protect them from predators.
For many people, a pet dog is a family member, loyal friend, helper and protector. It is not only a source of love, but also of useful skills.
One of the main benefits of pets is that they help their owners become more responsible and caring people. Taking care of a dog means regular feeding, walking and health care, which requires a certain amount of discipline and organization on the part of the owner.
A cute and kind dog living in your home has the ability to reduce stress and improve the mood of all the household. A number of studies have shown that having a pet in the house reduces anxiety and depression in people.

Living in a city apartment, you can have a dog if:

• you currently have few problems and have decided to increase their number (nine are there and one is missing to even the score);

• you or your children need a live toy;

• you are not ready to give your friendship and love to people who live nearby, and you are trying to find a friend among animals (I think you should first try the option of aquarium fish);

• you have a separate isolated room in your apartment that is not occupied by anyone and you are ready to equip it for your future pet (obligatory interior items: soft and comfortable sofa or armchair, floor carpet, a corner with soft rubber toys, a bowl for food, fixed on the wall and so on - the list is long, otherwise the dog will refuse to live there and move to your apartment);

• you're ready to get a pet from an animal shelter (she was abandoned by someone who didn't read this article and got a dog without thinking);

• you already have one dog and you see that he is bored and lonely with you;

• you have never had it, you are not ready to listen to other people's advice and want to try, once again "stepping on the rake";

• you are a pensioner who has no relatives or friends, but who wants to tell, prove and advise someone every day (i.e. you need a silent listener);

• you have 15 days to return it to where you got it;

• you are an avid hunter and every weekend you go to the countryside with a gun (or with a photo gun, if you like animals);

• you have been in conflict with your neighbors on the landing for a long time, and you want to spoil their lives at least a little bit;

• you are Korean and in a year you are expecting a group of your dear and beloved relatives from Korea to arrive (there will be something to serve).

You don't need to get a dog in a city apartment if you're not ready:

• to take serious responsibility for a living thing;

• every four hours during the day, take her outside for a walk every four hours so that she can fulfill her natural needs;

• walk it in specially designated and fenced areas;

• follow the legal rules for walking pet dogs, namely: keep them on a short leash and wearing a muzzle, especially if they are large;

• collect feces behind her in a bag and do not pollute the environment (parks, squares);

• run after her at will from tree to tree (during a walk);

• to put up with her temper, her antics and her odors;

• to buy expensive food and cook her proper meals;

• seriously engage in its upbringing and training with a professional dog breeder (paying for his services);

• pay for expensive veterinarian services when your pet gets sick;

• to possible damage to your property (when her teeth itch in the early years, she will chew on furniture legs, shoes, and anything else she likes);

• having your own internal parasites to add to those from an animal;

• coordinate your desire to get a pet with your neighbors in the entryway (dogs tend to be barking, noisy and smelly creatures, and sometimes vicious and aggressive);

• accept the fact that any human being has greater rights in this world than your dear and beloved doggie;

• watching a rapidly aging dog get sick and in agony, as well as experiencing his death (dogs tend to live much shorter lives than their owners);

• call the veterinary service to put your pet to sleep (this situation is possible).

Thus, before making the final decision to get a dog, you should think and weigh everything very well. This is an important decision that should be made with a lot of factors in mind. Although a pet can be a true friend to you, it will require a lot of time, effort, attention and financial outlay.