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MacOS operating system

MacOS is an operating system developed in 1984 by Apple Inc. Since then, it has come a long way in its development to become one of the most popular platforms in the world.
The most important feature of MacOS is its user-friendly and intuitive interface. It has many applications built in from the ground up, such as Safari, iTunes, iMovie, GarageBand, and with the "Spaces" feature, it allows users to work in multiple applications at the same time.
It is also renowned for its stability and security. Unlike other operating systems (OS), MacOS has a very low rate of virus attacks, making it more reliable to use.
MacOS also has a wide variety of all sorts of programs and applications available for download from the App Store. This service provides access to many applications, programs, and games that can be useful to anyone.

The main differences between the MacOS operating system and Windows

MacOS and Windows operating systems are the most common operating systems on the computer technology market. Both systems have their advantages and disadvantages.

However, there are also a number of differences between the two. These are:

1. Interface.
One of the main advantages of MacOS is its design. It is aimed at maximum simplicity and usability. All elements of the interface are well thought out and intuitive. In Windows, on the contrary, there are often problems with navigation and finding the right settings. In addition, MacOS has its own ecosystem that integrates with other Apple products, which makes working with it even more convenient.

2. Safety.
MacOS has a high level of protection against malware and viruses. In Windows, you have to install an antivirus to keep your computer safe.

3. File system.
MacOS uses the HFS+ file system and Windows uses NTFS. HFS+ has a convenient disk partitioning format and supports long file names. NTFS, on the other hand, has broader support and can handle heavy files.

4. Software.
MacOS has an official store of programs and games - App Store, which offers a huge number of high-quality and safe applications. Windows also has its own store - Microsoft Store, but it is not so widely known, popular and promoted.

So, MacOS and Windows have their differences and the choice between them depends on your needs and preferences. If you are looking for a secure system with a user-friendly and beautiful interface, then MacOSx is a great choice. If you need a flexible and customizable operating system, then Windows is a better choice.

The merits of the MacOS operating system:

• Intuitive interface.
The OS offers a simple and user-friendly interface that is easy to understand and use even for a novice.

• Reliability and stability.
The system is known for its stability and reliability, making it ideal for professional use.

• High security.
It has built-in protection mechanisms, making it less vulnerable to viruses and malware.

• Wide range of applications.
There is a huge selection of apps, programs and games present that have useful features and can be easily downloaded from the App Store.

• Integration with other Apple devices.
If you have Apple devices, for example, iPhone, iPad, MacOSx allows you to easily integrate them into yourself, making your work even more convenient and efficient.

Disadvantages of the MacOS operating system:

• High cost.
Apple computers with a pre-installed operating system are much more expensive than their Microsoft counterparts. This makes buying an iMac or MacBook out of reach for many potential users.

• Limited choice of software.
The platform only supports programs designed specifically for it, which becomes a problem for those who use specialized software in their work where no MacOSx versions exist.

• Limited customization.
Individual users will find it difficult to customize the OS more finely to their individual needs.

• Limited hardware choices.
Apple computers work only with hardware manufactured by Apple. This significantly limits users in choosing components for their MacBooks and iMacs.

• Difficult and expensive to repair Apple appliances.
If it happens that your computer, laptop, tablet or phone stops working for any reason, it will cost a fortune to get it repaired.