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Rules of text design of pages of the site

The number of pages of the site

The general rule - the more, the better. Increasing the number of pages improves the visibility of the site in search engines.
In addition, the gradual addition of new information materials perceived by search engine robots as the development of the resource, which gives additional advantages in its ranking.
Thus, try to periodically (every 15 days) to publish on the website any information - news, articles, press releases, useful tips.

Home page

Optimize the home page for the most important keywords. It has the best chance of getting into the top ten (TOP 10) search results. Remember that it usually accounts for up to 40% of traffic.

The amount of text on the page

Search engines most highly evaluate sites rich in information content. Therefore, you should strive to increase the text content of the resource.
Optimal should be considered pages containing text volume of 6.000-8.000 characters, not including spaces.
A page with three published paragraphs (less than 1.500 characters), has no chance to get even in the TOP 100.
In addition, a large amount of textual information increases the visibility of the web page in search engines due to rarely occurring words and phrases, which contributes to an additional influx of visitors.

Number of keywords on the page

Keyword phrases should occur in the text of the page at least 5 times. The upper limit of their number depends on the total volume of text - the larger the document, the more repetitions of important phrases can be made in it.
Separately should be considered the situation with word combinations corresponding to search queries. The best results are observed if the phrase occurs in the text several times, just as a group of words arranged in the right order. In addition, the individual words of these phrases should occur in the article several times on their own. There should also be some difference between the number of occurrences of each of the words that make up the phrase.
Let's consider this situation on the following example. Let's assume that we optimize the web page for the phrase “website development”. This phrase in the text occurs 4 times, the word “creation” - 5 times, “site” - 7 times. The figures are conditional, but well demonstrate the general idea.

Keyword density

The density of words on the page shows the relative frequency of their content in the text and is measured in percentages. For example, if a particular word is mentioned 5 times in a 100-word document, its density is 5%. Too low frequency of important word combinations (less than 1%) leads to the fact that search engine robots do not give them due importance. Overly high density of kluchiviki (more than 5%, it is called over-optimization) can lead to the application of sanctions - this page will be forcibly lowered in the results of the output.
Optimal is considered the frequency of words - from 2,2% to 2,8%. In the case of phrases consisting of several words, it is necessary to calculate their total density, making up the word combination, and make sure that it is also within the specified limits.
Practice shows that the frequency of more than 3,5%, although it does not lead to any negative consequences and is not a violation, but at the expense of this worsens the indicator - academic nausea of the document, which is bad.

One page - one keyword

Try to optimize each page for a specific keyword phrase that corresponds to the search query. Sometimes you can choose 3-4 related word combinations. But do not seo-optimize the page for 6-8 keywords at once - the result will be negative.

Location of keywords

The closer to the beginning of the article is placed a particular word combination, the more weight it acquires in the eyes of search engine robots.

Stylistic design of the text

Search engine robots attach special importance to the highlighted elements of the text. Therefore, it is mandatory to use promoted word combinations in the title and subheadings.

Page title

Title - one of the most important tags, to which search engines give a special place. In this regard, the title should use the most important keyword. In addition, it should be: capacious, informative, attractive and memorable.
Link in the search engine will contain a phrase from the Title, so it is, in a way, a business card page.
As a rule, only 50 characters from the Title are displayed in the results, so the title should be limited to this length.

Description of the page

Description is used to describe the web page. This tag does not affect its ranking in any way, but is nevertheless very important. Search engines display information from it in the results of search queries, if the description is present in the SEO-settings and its content is relevant to the text materials.
A high position in the search results always ensures a large number of visitors. If the descriptions of pages of competitive resources will be more attractive than yours, users will go to them.
Therefore, the correct filling of Description is of great importance. Description should be: no more than 155 characters in length, informative, understandable, contain important keywords.

Title and subheadings

The texts published on the site should have a title in bold and tag H1, be structured and divided into sections with subheadings (in bold) marked with tags H2-H6. The H1 tag can be present only once on the page (another variant is an infringement).

Image title

Any image placed on the site, has a special attribute “alternative text”, which is specified by the Alt tag.
Search engines remember the value of the Alt tag when indexing web pages.
However, Google takes into account Alt only those pictures that have links to internal sections of the web-project, the rest are ignored.
Therefore, it is preferable to use keywords in the names of published images, although it does not matter in principle.

Graphic title

Almost always in the design of the site is a graphical header (hat), that is, a picture in the full width of the window, containing: logo, company name, phone number, address, additional information.
As a rule, the header contains text information, but for the purpose of visual appeal it is performed in the form of a picture, respectively, the pictured words are not indexed.
Unfortunately this is not the best option! The upper part of the page is a very valuable place where you can place the most important keyword phrases.
It is best to use a combined option - a graphic logo at the top is present, but does not take up the entire width. And on the remaining free space is placed text title with the most important phrases.

Graphic navigation menu

The situation is similar - internal links on the site should also contain keywords, which gives additional advantages in its ranking. If the navigation menu is presented in the form of images, then duplicate it also in the form of text (for example, at the bottom), and for images fill the fields “title” (Alt tag) with words corresponding to the menu items.

Text navigation menu

Use keywords in the names of menu items, it will significantly increase the ranking of the site. However, if there are many menu items (more than 20), it is necessary to hide some of them or organize submenus. The names of items should be brief (e.g., services, cost, reviews).

Nesting level

If the resource has a moderate number of web pages (up to 30), it is better that they are all located in the root directory of the site. The shorter the path to the pages, the better. Search engines consider them more important, as a consequence - they are easier to promote.

Hidden text

This refers not to a mistake, but to the deliberate deception of search engine robots.
The use of hidden text (for example, the font color is the same as the background color) allows you to “pump” the page with the necessary phrases, without violating its design, structure and logic. It is not seen by visitors, but perfectly “read” the robots of search engines.
The use of such prohibited methods of optimization can lead to “ban” (application of the filter), that is, the forced exclusion of the entire site or some of its pages from the index. Get out from under the influence of this filter will be difficult, and it will take a very long time!
Author of the article - Alexander Ivanov