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Copywriting is a technique of creating unique texts containing interesting thoughts and ideas, which do not use fragments of text information from other sources. Today copywriting is the most powerful tool of Internet marketing.
High-quality texts on the pages of the resource form the image of the company, increase sales and brand value, help visitors to make the right decisions, promote the site.
To become popular, a website must be periodically updated, offer visitors reliable and impeccably presented information. It is for this purpose that useful, beautiful and optimized texts are ordered from a copywriter. On a search query, the user goes to the resource, gets interested in reading, memorizes the name of the web-site or saves it in bookmarks, then after some time returns to it again.
Attract the modern consumer, causing him to want to come back to the site, is only able to unique content, not that already posted on other resources. Text that is written to attract visitors should be interesting, literate and relevant. It is inherent in a person's desire to learn something new and useful, which will help to decide on a choice, leave a pleasant impression.
For a commercial project, copywriting is a guarantee of success, for a non-commercial one it is an excuse for the visitor to return to this resource again or to recommend it to his friends. Naturally, the effectiveness of textual content directly depends on the professionalism of the author who wrote it.

A quality text must meet the following criteria:

• Readability and literacy.
The material should be literate, stylistically correct, sentences short and easy to read. A certain and reasonable number of important key words should not burden the perception of information, create tautology.

• Thoughtful structure.
Each structural part of the document should have an informative subheading. If the customer needs a voluminous material (more than 20.000 characters), it is better to break it up into two or three pages. In the case when the topic is very extensive, the best option will be a series of articles - a separate page for each direction.

• Uniqueness and originality.
To check the uniqueness of content search engines use special algorithms that cannot be fooled by partial rearrangement of individual words, sentences or paragraphs.

• Keyword Density.
The density (frequency) of keyword phrases in the article should vary from 2 to 3%. A reasonable option is to entrust the arrangement of key phrases in the material to an experienced copywriter.

• Perfect volume.
The size of the document should be oriented to the needs of users: it should disclose the given topic to the maximum extent possible, be relevant and informative. Modern web page search systems have no problem processing text information of 20.000 characters, but you should focus on articles of 6.000-9.000 characters, not including spaces.

Copywriting is always a compromise between different, often opposite elements: content and emotionality, advertising and trust in the material, concretization and generalization, the ability to capaciously cover maximum information and the limited budget of the customer.
When writing texts, the copywriter relies on his own understanding of the subject of the site, common sense, experience and intuition. The basis of unique textual content is the desire for a real dialog with the target audience, not its informational imitation. Only in this case the website will become popular.

Alexander Ivanov's web-studio offers copywriting services - articles of any subject, complexity and volume are written to order.

When you order copywriting from me, you get:

• unique texts written primarily for people, not for search engine robots;
• optimized articles that take into account the requirements of search engines, positively affecting the effective promotion of the site;
• proofread and edited texts, with hyperlinks to other pages of the website;
• strict adherence to deadlines for order fulfillment regardless of the volume and complexity of the technical assignment;
• attractive value.
Author of the article - Alexander Ivanov