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Rules for writing text for the site

The success of any website depends primarily on the uniqueness, quality, relevance and reliability of the text content published on its pages. This is due to the fact that with the help of the Internet, most people are trying to find useful, competent, truthful and relevant information on specific issues.
To write a good article for the site should: designate for yourself the task, decide on its structure, prepare a title and subheadings, try to avoid general wording.
Any publication of a new article on the pages of the site should help to increase its traffic and indicators of visitors' activity (depth of browsing, session time).

The objectives of the text published on the website are summarized as follows:
• deliver useful information to the reader;
• to draw him into a discussion of the problem at hand;
• to convince the visitor of something;
• to get him on your side;
• to call for some kind of action;
• to force you to order a service or buy a product.

The main purpose is a call to action, even if the text carries only an informational message. Through the impact on the psycho-emotional level, the articles published on the pages of the site, should prompt a person to think that it is necessary to order the proposed service, buy the advertised product, or further visit this resource to familiarize with new information materials.

The basic rules of writing text for a website:

1. At the beginning of the creative process it is necessary to prepare the structure of the future article. It should have: title, introductory section, main part, conclusion. If its volume exceeds 3.000 characters, it is necessary to solve the issue of subheadings and the division into sections. If possible, it is advisable to use bulleted lists, which greatly facilitate the perception of textual information.

2. Any part of the article should have a complete thought, and the narrative should be logical and consistent. If after reading the text there is a feeling of understatement and contradiction, it is necessary to make changes and additions to eliminate ambiguity.

3. When writing an article, use simple and understandable language. Do not use specific terms or "jargon" expressions that may not be familiar to the average visitor. The exception in this matter are sites aimed at a highly specialized audience.

4. Avoid cluttering of adjectival sentences and deuteronomies. Do not form very long sentences. Such a technique, made famous in the past by the classic Leo Tolstoy, is unacceptable for any current web project.

5. Use graphic elements in your text. These include various styles, such as bold and underline. Use italics moderately - too much italics can make the material unreadable.

6. It is necessary to divide the article into paragraphs. Monolithic text is difficult and uncomfortable to read, especially if it is placed on a dark background.

7. It is mandatory to proofread the final version of the written text and check its literacy. This should be done twice: the first time immediately after creating the article, and the second time two or three days later. It is possible that you will want to make some changes and additions, and also a few "bloopers" will be discovered.

In addition, it is advisable to check your finished article with online tools:

• Yandex-Speller - helps you find and correct spelling mistakes - https://tech.yandex.ru/speller/

• Semantic analysis on Advego (registration required) - https://advego.ru/text/seo/

It should be noted that most authors make the following mistake: the pronoun "you" is misspelled. When addressing a large number of people, "you" should be written with a small letter. If the address is addressed to a specific person and used in official documents (e.g., letters), then "you" should be written with an uppercase (capital, capital) letter.
Author of the article - Alexander Ivanov