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Writing optimized text for the site

Optimized is a text that performs marketing functions, attracts the attention of search engines and sells a product or service, due to the presence in it skillfully used keyword phrases that correspond to the most common search queries performed by people.

One of the main tools for increasing website traffic is text content optimization. Do not forget that search engine optimization is not only work on the technical parameters of pages, but also the creation of high-quality, unique and interesting content that corresponds to the algorithms of ranking pages by search engines. Competently optimized text content can significantly increase the visibility of the site in Yandex and Google, attracting the target audience and increasing its conversion rate.

How do search engines evaluate text content on the site?

Google and Yandex search engines use complex algorithms to evaluate and rank website pages.

They take hundreds of factors into account, including:

• relevancy - this is how well the content on a page matches the search query. If the text content fully answers the question that interests a person, then search engines raise this page higher in the results, and thus meet the needs of people;

• uniqueness - if the text is author's, it has a good effect on its ranking;

• content and quality - this is the informational completeness of the material, the absence of grammatical errors and relevance of the specified information;

• structure and readability - a text written in a continuous canvas is not able to catch the visitor's eye, and, as a result, will negatively affect behavioral factors. Therefore, the article should be used: headline, subheadings (3-5 pieces, if there are a lot of them, you need a section “Content” with anchor links), paragraphs, lists and so on.

It should be remembered that excessive filling of the text with keyword phrases to the detriment of its readability, can lead to a decrease in the rating of the site. Search engine algorithms are becoming more and more advanced, and today search engine robots already understand not just individual words, but the semantic content of the entire article. Texts in which naturally and moderately used keywords, their synonyms and related forms, are evaluated and ranked higher.

How to create the right text for a website?

Writing a unique, correct and useful article for a website is a complex and time-consuming process that requires expert knowledge on a specific topic and an understanding of SEO. The text should combine solving the problems of the target audience and meet the current requirements of search engines.

The main steps of this process are as follows:

1. Keyword selection.
It is necessary to form a semantic kernel, on the basis of which all texts will be written. To do this, you can use various online tools, for example, Yandex-Wordstat, KeyCollector and Bukvariks, with the help of which are selected requests, often entered by people in the search box on a particular topic.
There is another way to select keyword phrases. You need to enter a word in the search bar, and the search engine itself will offer several of the most frequently demanded options.
For copywriting is important not only key phrases, but also the so-called “additional words” that set the topic. They can be selected in the long endings of search queries or with the help of specialized services, such as PixelTools and Arsenkin.

2. Determining the length of the article.
As a rule, informational texts are longer, while “selling” texts do not require a large number of characters. In order to determine the necessary volume of the article, you should analyze the resources of the main competitors. It will be quite enough to select six pages on similar topics from the top ten search results, determine their dimensionality by the number of characters of text, and you can be guided by the average value.
In addition, the study of competitive text content will help to determine the structure of the article.

3. Preparing the structure of the article.
There is an indirect connection between the form in which an article is published and its ranking. Search engine robots are not able to evaluate this criterion, but they pay attention to behavioral factors. If the material is bulky, unstructured and does not contain subheadings, it is very likely that a person will leave the page without reading the text, and search engines will consider it not interesting for visitors and lower the ranking. That is why it is important to divide the article into sections with subheadings, and paragraphs to make the length of no more than five sentences.

4. Conducting SEO analysis of the text.
After writing an article, it should be checked by various seo-parameters, these are:
• density - shows how often keywords occur in the text;
• nausea - the frequency of repetition of other words;
• water content - the percentage of word combinations that do not have a special meaning to the main text;
• uniqueness - the percentage of matches between text fragments and content already published on other sites.

The first three indicators can be checked on the Advego.com service, but there are also other resources that will help to generally assess the quality of the written article in terms of the rules of the Russian language - these are services Turgenev and Glavred.
To check the uniqueness of the text there are many online services, the most popular of which are Advego.com and Text.ru. The check reveals: plagiarism, duplicates, low-quality rewriting and borrowings.

Mistakes often made when writing a text:

1. High density of keywords.
Optimal is considered when the text of keywords from 1,8 to 3,5%. If you exceed this value (for example, up to 6%), then there is a high probability that the page with such content will fall under the filter, and will not be shown in the search engine. If the important word combinations will be less than 1,5%, the search engine may not recognize the topic of the article or determine it incorrectly.

2. The use of irrelevant keyword phrases.
This is especially common in commercial texts that use key phrases that correspond to informational search queries. For example, on the site for the sale and installation of plastic windows, in the text of the leading page embeds the phrase “what is a plastic window”. This can lead to an increase in untargeted traffic, that is, an increase in the number of visitors who do not plan to make a purchase, and, as a consequence, to a decrease in conversion.

3. Using direct occurrences of key phrases without changing word forms.
Long gone are the days when writing articles for the site had to apply one particular case. Now it is necessary to change the word form and dilute important phrases, inserting between them other words, so that the text looks more harmonious and natural.

4. Highlighting keywords in bold.
This has not worked for a long time, search engine robots do not pay attention to it, and it is not necessary to do this.

Practical tips for writing optimized text:

• the first and main rule for copywriting is that the text should be expert, structured, relevant, useful and interesting for readers;

• search engine robots highly appreciate pages with a text volume of 4.000 characters or more;

• for keywords and phrases to have maximum effect, they should be used at the beginning and at the end of the article, i.e. on the first and last screen;

• the text should have a dynamic appearance, then it will attract attention and interest visitors. This is achieved through the alternation of long and short sentences, highlighting subheadings and paragraphs, as well as the use of lists.

In today's world of internet marketing, quality textual content has become an integral part of a successful website promotion strategy. It plays a key role in achieving its visibility in search engines, increasing targeted traffic and attracting potential customers.
However, creating the right and optimized text is an art that requires a deep understanding of both the algorithms of search engines and the needs of the audience.
It should also be understood that the rules of writing optimized text will be different for corporate sites, blogs and online stores, because each of these resources involves achieving different goals.
Do not forget that well-designed text content is not only a tool to increase the visibility of the site in search engines Yandex and Google, but also a way to build trust with its visitors, improve user experience and brand promotion.
Author of the article - Alexander Ivanov