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Rules for preparing the terms of reference for writing an article for the site and placing an order on the text content exchange

Text is the most valuable thing on a website, but also the most expensive and difficult to work with.
Organizing such a process as site promotion should pay special attention to textual content as one of the main elements in achieving success. Promotion site using texts provides placement of them not only directly on their resource, but also the publication of articles on third-party sites, with the inclusion in their structure contextual links to the promoted project. If the hyperlink has an anchor, it emphasizes the attention of visitors to this footnote, contributes to click on it and go to the site. A big plus is if the sites for placement of articles are close in subject matter to the advertised resource.

If you decide to order an article for the site on the content exchange, it is worth taking into account a few important points:

• Text quality.
It should be structured and elaborated material, with high uniqueness and written for the target audience. Mistakes, so relevant to the conversational style, are inadmissible in this case.

• Optimal article size and structure.
It should be taken into account that it is very tedious to read overly long documents, as well as those written in the form of a "sheet". The article should be as compact as possible, informative and divided into sections with highlighted subheadings. In this case, the material will be easy to read for each visitor who decided to familiarize himself with its contents. And if this text is published on a third-party resource, it is very likely that the reader will want to follow the highlighted link to your site to study other similar articles.

• Credibility of the material, which in addition to thematic elaboration should be unique and topical. If it concerns any technological equipment, it is important to present its current technical characteristics. If it is about the services provided by the company, it is necessary to describe them in detail, showing all the key features, as well as indicating the list of benefits received in case of ordering.

• Thematic relevance of the text with those resources on which it is planned to publish it in order to promote your site.
It will be very problematic to attract targeted visitors to the resource, through which, for example, sold antiques, placing texts on this topic on sites specializing in the provision of veterinary services to pets. In this case, visitors to the site vetusluzhi will not even read materials on antiques - all your efforts and financial costs will be in vain.

Where can I order an article for the site?

In order not to waste time, it is necessary to order articles from a professional copywriter, whose job is to write high-quality and unique texts for a fee. It is noteworthy that an experienced copywriter is a fairly universal worker who will be able to create any textual content, ranging from a simple announcement about the provision of any services, and ending with poetry. However, it is important to take into account such a feature of ordered texts, as their high cost. To order an article for the site of good quality, you will need to pay within the range of 150 to 300 rubles for 1.000 characters, excluding spaces. The total number of characters in the text can vary. Up to 2.000 characters - if it is necessary to perform a description of a product, 7.000-9.000 characters - when it comes to a general presentation of the services offered or an informational article on a specific topic.
If there is no professional copywriter among your acquaintances, you can easily order an article on the content exchange, where your order within a short period of time will take a free performer to work. A tender will be held, during which you will choose the best among copywriters, taking into account his rating and the number of works performed by him.
In order to get an excellent seo-optimized text, and the performer would be able to successfully cope with the task at hand, it is necessary to prepare a detailed terms of reference for writing an article for the site. This will reduce the time of order fulfillment and exclude possible subsequent revisions.
In addition, it is desirable for the copywriter to present a variant of the style of presentation that is most acceptable to you as a customer.

Peculiarities of text content preparation for the site

Ordering an article for a website needs to take into account certain requirements, which can be summarized as follows:

• Text uniqueness. The most important parameter that search engine robots pay special attention to when indexing and ranking web-pages. Articles with low uniqueness are recognized as copypaste, in other words, copied from other resources, or partially processed. Such materials will not bring a positive effect, in addition, their informative value over time will lose its relevance.

• Literacy, without which it is simply impossible to expect success. After all, the first thing that will catch the reader's eye is the uneducated author.

• Informative. The material should reflect in detail the whole essence of the issue, ensuring that the visitor receives all the necessary information on the search query.

• The length of the text should be sufficient and not excessive for any reader to be able to read it quickly while getting maximum useful information on the issue of interest.

• Academic nausea. A parameter that determines the number of mentions of the same words in the text. Excessive use of the same or similar word combinations does not decorate the article, but only causes disdain when reading it.

• Stop words. Their use in the text should be the smallest (up to 4.5%). These include: "and", "in", a number of others.

• Water content is a parameter that shows the amount of unnecessary information in the text, sometimes just unnecessary. This parameter should be kept at a minimum level, but it is impossible to completely eliminate "water", otherwise the article will be simply unreadable.

Thus, the promotion of the site articles will allow in the shortest possible time to achieve high results, it is important only with knowledge of the case to approach the implementation of the necessary measures.
Author of the article - Alexander Ivanov