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Tips for choosing a copywriter

Most novice webmasters believe that a good site, which in the future will have a stable attendance of 100 people per day, you can do, independently engaged in writing for him texts. As a rule, it is not so. You need to realize that a commercially successful web project that will bring solid profits to its owner, alone to create and fill it with graphic and textual content is very difficult. Therefore, sooner or later you will come to the fact that to write quality articles it is necessary to attract a professional copywriter.
You can find it on content exchanges, various forums, freelancers' resources and other services where specialists of this profile register and advertise their services.
It is the copywriter will allow you to free up time to promote the site and search for new methods of monetization. If you are lucky enough to find a good performer, the site will be ranked by search engines, and its informative texts will begin to attract a large number of visitors.
Thus, the issue of finding a copywriter to write articles for the website should be given special attention.
However, you should remember that everything of high quality costs a lot of money. You should be prepared for the fact that the cost of a unique, structured, literate and easily readable text starts at 130 rubles per 1.000 characters.

Tips on how to choose a professional copywriter to write articles:

1. Select a copywriter, from all possible applicants, you need one for whom copywriting is the main source of income, that is, he is engaged in this craft professionally. This, as a rule, guarantees his responsibility to his work (in order to be always customers, you need an excellent reputation).

2. He should have a solid "writing" experience and, very importantly, at least a little knowledge of the subject of your resource. That is why you should find out the following information about him: work experience, education, age, on what topics he writes materials, style, portfolio of his work, how many orders he has completed, customer reviews.

3. It is important for a copywriting specialist to be able to create seo-texts, primarily for people, and secondarily for search engine robots. Written articles should be literate, readable, informative, useful, relevant and unique. To do this, the performer needs to have a certain talent and be erudite.

4. You can use the option when copywriters themselves will offer you their services. To do this, you need to register on one of the text content exchanges (for example, ContentMonster), prepare the terms of reference and make an application for writing an article. According to the application, a tender will be held among the performers and you will be presented with a list of specialists ready to fulfill the order. After that you will be able to study their profiles, reviews, and choose the best one in your opinion. Take into account an important point - the higher you determine the bar of cost per 1.000 characters of text, the more really good copywriters will pay attention to your application (for example, at a price of 80 rubles per 1.000 characters you can count only on beginners).

5. After the performer for your site will write two or three articles, very carefully and in detail study them. If the author does not have the skills of professional copywriting, you will immediately see it. In this case, the texts will be similar speech turns using the same words. I believe that the style of presentation, if you yourself are literate and well-read, you will not like.

6. It is worth paying special attention to checking texts for uniqueness. It is quite possible that instead of truly unique articles, you will receive materials prepared by the method of rewriting. There are many online services to check the uniqueness of the text (for example, Advego, application - Advego Plagiatus).

7. All texts written by a copywriter must be seo-optimized and divided into sections with highlighted subheadings, otherwise the pages on which they will be published will not find a place in the top lines of Yandex and Google search results. It can be stated with certainty that even interesting and informative articles are rated very low by search engine robots if they are not optimized, have high academic nausea and high frequency of keywords. In this regard, before publishing on the site ordered texts, conduct their semantic analysis, for example, with the help of Advego service.

8. The copywriter must treat your objective comments adequately. If necessary, he is obliged to finalize the material. But for such situations to occur as little as possible, you need to form the terms of reference for writing an article competently, in detail and understandably. You must explain to the performer your basic wishes. The rule is simple, what technical assignment - such an article.

9. Your requirements should be clearly specified: the total number of articles to be ordered, the amount of text for each of them, staggered deadlines for delivery of finished materials, keyword phrases and the percentage of their content in the document, the cost per 1.000 characters (with or without spaces). All these conditions will protect you from various misunderstandings, and provide unique texts of the required quality.

10. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the copywriter's portfolio. This will give you a full idea of his professional skills and the style of the texts he creates.

11. Before you make your final decision, gather information about this specialist on the internet. If he is really a professional, you will hundred percent find any information about him, his personal website, personal web pages on content exchanges, as well as customer reviews.

Analyzing the collected information will require two hours of your time, but it will allow you to screen out newbies, non-professionals and scammers. From the remaining 6-10 specialists after filtering, you will choose 3-4 professional copywriters, and you will cooperate with them for a long time, ordering articles for your site.
Author of the article - Alexander Ivanov